Mary’s Free-Range Geese
and Mary's Ducks are beautiful animals to raise. The Embden Breed of
Geese and the Pekin Duck are raised naturally in the beautiful
weather in California. They live year round with access to
outdoors. We watch them everyday to make sure they are
comfortable and happy. We make every effort to treat our ducks
and geese as humanely as possible throughout the production
process. Mary’s “Prepared Specialties” presents Mary’s own
succulent duck breasts, hot-smoked with natural hickory
woodchips. Fully cooked with skin-on, Mary’s smoked duck breast
is ready to be served warm or cool.
- No Antibiotics Ever
- Raised Without Added Hormones*
- No Preservatives or Additives
- *Federal Regulations Prohibit The Use Of
- Fed a Vegetarian Diet (65% Corn, 25% Soybean Meal, 5% Vitamins
and Nutrients, 5% Wheat)